Where you are determines who you are.

Embrace changes in life;
look at it and have a cup of tea.

The quality of life is the result of the quality of the questions you ask yourself.

Feel at home..

The life of an expat is thought to be one of adventure and luxury. Living abroad is a dream –  Another country, a different culture and people, but, is it everything it’s cracked up to be?

Living and working abroad as an expat is an adventure and also a major life changing experience. 30 to 50 % of  foreign placements fail or end prematurely.

Divorce percentages of expats are much higher than average. Transition stress and loneliness also give a different definition to the adventure.

As an expat, going away and building a life elsewhere, whether permanently or temporarily, you leave your friends and family behind.Your habits will change, YOU will change.


Our mission is to ensure that you, as an expat, feel heard and supported, live your life consciously, develop and transform the challenges into a beautiful, meaningful experience.

What can you expect abroad?

How can you make sure that you feel at home?

On this site you will find inspiring stories, thoughts, dreams, challenges, tips and tools.

You can read, ask questions and share your own story.


Do you want a quick introduction about ‘Feel at home abroad’ and expat coaching? Watch Martine’s video!

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Blog – Feel at home abroad

Tackling stereotypes abroad

Tackling stereotypes abroad

Tackling stereotypes abroad Blog by Kriti Toshniwal Stereotypes, we have all encountered them. And as expats abroad, we encounter them more openly and perhaps more often. As an Indian woman living abroad, I have encountered several stereotypes. Some of these were...

Expat repatriation: home again?

Expat repatriation: home again?

Expat repatriation: home again? Blog by Iemke Janssen - de Leeuw September, autumn is knocking at our front door. People in The Netherlands are confused and divided. On the one hand people are looking forward to the new season; less hot temperatures, leaves changing...

Staying positive abroad

Staying positive abroad

Staying positive abroad Blog by Natalia Veneziani Moving between countries has tremendously affected my life and many aspects of my being. I no longer could escape from difficulties in my life. Everything I unconsciously was hiding from, was imposed to me. I was...

Do you as an expat have a question?

Are you confronted with obstacles? Ask your question here:

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Expat Coaching

expat coaching

Go on an adventure. Feel at home abroad is here to listen, challenge, support and activate you to change. Greater self knowledge brings more happiness. View our coaching package for online coaching.

About us


Feel at home abroad is committed to making you as an expat feel heard and supported, live life consciously, develop and transform the challenges into a beautiful, meaningful experience. Get to know Floor and Martine.



Would you like to inspire others with your story? Do you want to know something that you can’t find on the website? Please feel free to contact us. You can e-mail us, call, Skype or Facetime. We are happy to help.