Do I need a coach?
Everyone is responsible for his/her own life. Future, success and happiness is not something that happens to you. Coaching means giving direction, a mission on the basis of your values, skills and dreams.Coaching Feel at home abroad helps you to give direction to your life and future. Of course there are also circumstances that affect our lives. It is not always clear how you can shape and live your life. Coaching means working together on your most important question, the solution to your problem, looking for your identity, finding your strength and personal mission.
What will coaching bring me?
- Your own direction in your life and future;
- Personal growth and vitality;
- New insights by reflection on own feelings, thoughts, beliefs and behavior;
- More understanding, respect, acceptance and value for yourself and your surroundings;
- Better relationships with people around you.
Often people seek us out for the following reasons: ‘ I have so much, why am I not really happy? ‘, ‘ I find myself stuck but can’t see a way out?‘, ‘I have a great plan but can’t see how I can achieve this alone’.
Whether you have a specific question or a vague feeling; a coach will help you get there where you want to go. Coaching means that you join us working together on your main question, finding the solution to your problem, looking for your identity, strength and personal mission.
What does coaching entail?
- Where do you stand now: what is your main question, what do you want to keep, what to change? Who are you, where you want to go?
- How to get there: knowledge, skills and attributes: what do you have already, what should you develop, which are the intermediate steps?
- What do you need to learn from the past to let go? How do you stay in the here and now while you work on your future? What will make you be happy?
Coaching draws lessons from the past, is based in the present and focused on the future. Coaching is about something important. It is about you. Coaching does not mean that you surrender your independence or that you cannot make it alone. It’s difficult but also comforting not to have to solve the difficult things in life alone. Allow yourself a professional and dedicated coach that suits you best. Read more about the coaches of Feel at home abroad or please feel free to contact us.